Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year!

Best wishes to whoever celebrate the arrival of the year of pig! A white friend of mine -_- sent me this set of pictures and I found them extremely cute...So let them carry my greetings :)
Note the play on the words...I can only do a rough translation =(

"Happy New Year! Wish you in the new year of pig..."

"Healthy and Happy, forever young"

"In your specialty area, know what you do and do it well"

"Everybody praise you for being smart and wise"

"All your friends healthy and good looking" -_- i can't translate this

"But only you can keep your looks at its best"

"You will have so many lovers that you can barely handle it"

"Everybody desires you"

"Don't be so 'flower-hearted' and have sexy time every night ;)"

"and wish you and your entire family happy, safe and healthy. "


Thuan said...

wow those are cute pics! So, my year of the dog is finished. Now it's YOUR year!

BTW I don't get what's with the pig in the Egyptian setting...

Muhammad Ali said...

woah... lots of cute little piggies.

"Don't be so 'flower-hearted'"